
Thursday 20 June 2013

Caffeine's Effects on the Human Brain

Did you know that Caffeine is the world's most popular stimulant? the drug that four out of five Americans take on any given day. Most of the caffeine we consume comes from coffee.
coffee poison
The United States buys nearly one-half of the world's supply of coffee beans. It is said that a food service operation can stand or fall on its reputation of the coffee it serves. Every mid-morning and mid-afternoon working day millions of office and factory workers abandon jobs for an employer-paid "coffee break."
Over 15 million Americans are hooked on coffee, and most of them don't even know it, so insidious is its addictive onslaught. The child or adult may unknowingly ingest several hundred milligrams of caffeine daily.
Like narcotics, alcohol, or cigarettes, coffee and caffeinated beverages are addictive, destructive drugs that each year predispose millions of Americans to crippling illnesses and sometimes fatal diseases.
Coffee and tea are the two most popular beverages in America. Coffee is America's number one drug problem.

Drinking Coffee Daily Can Compound the Toxic Substances in Your Body that Increase Your Risk of Insomnia, Stroke and Heart Disease.

If your coffee beans are grown outside this country, it’s very likely that they have been exposed to PESTICIDES that contribute to several cancers and Parkinson’s disease. Coffee is also known to disrupt absorption of vitamins and minerals that are essential for your body to function properly. The caffeine doesn’t have any nutritional value either, and has been linked to diabetes. In pregnant women, it increases the risk of having a miscarriage or a low birth weight baby. Other health hazards include: Please take note

  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Fluid loss in your body
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Damaged blood vessels
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety symptoms
  • Depleted Calcium and Iron levels in women

The unfortunate reality is that your awareness of coffee is shaped by a lucrative industry, with the U.S. alone importing over $4 billion in coffee every year. Multinational companies spend millions of dollars on coffee ad campaigns that persuade you to buy coffee. They convince you that this drink is indeed safe and healthful for your consumption, reducing your risk of diabetes and other illnesses, even when they don’t have enough solid evidence to prove this.

Caffeine is a Poison

Caffeine, which is the main chemical in coffee, is a powerful poison! A drop of caffeine injected into the skin of an animal will produce death within a few minutes. An infinitely small amount injected into the brain will cause convulsions. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is quite small, yet we drink coffee because of the effect of the caffeine, just as we smoke because of the effect of the nicotine. Both are drugs, and both are habit-forming. Both are poisons.
It is my firm stand that you should break your coffee habit and turn to a coffee alternative, without the dangerous ingredients and without the health risks, as soon as you can.

That is why I’d like to offer you a copy of this free report – to tell you the dangers of coffee addiction and why you should change to a nutrient-rich, natural beverage that will give you extra energy and improve your health against any kind of disease.

Caffeine can occur from missing just one cup of coffee in the morning. Symptoms of caffeine are headaches, irritability, inability to work effectively, nervousness, restlessness, and lethargy. A steady user of caffeine may, at times, experience tight headaches in the back of the neck area and be quick to anger or irritation.

Does Coffee Cause Cancer?

There is mounting evidence suggesting that if you want to avoid certain cancers, you are well-advised to kick the coffee habit. Consider these examples:
One study revealed that not only was coffee drinking associated with increased risk of bladder cancer, but the drinking of non-diet cola drinks also was linked to this problem.
Coffee drinking increases the risk of birth defects.
Coffee drinking increases blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease.

Stay away from Coffee!!

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